We’re excited that Oklahoma City radio station KJ 103 requested Rein in Cancer as their Charity for Extreme Racing for Charity Day at Remington Park. This Set for April 27, Extreme Racing gets underway at 1:30 pm with the top American Quarter Horses, Paints, and Appaloosas sharing the racetrack with the top competition ostriches, zebras, and camels in action.
The Extreme races will fall between the actual horse races that afternoon with this schedule:
Ostriches compete after race 2, zebras compete after race 5 and camels compete after race 7. Our Rein In Cancer Camel is named “Slow Jams” and our official DJ is Sunday Slow Jams host Brad B.
The Flying Pig Races will also return on The Plaza. The snout-n-oink action will run on its own schedule throughout the day.
Fans of all ages will have the opportunity to meet the animals up close as they can visit on the Plaza just outside of Henry Hudson’s throughout the weekend, leading up to Extreme Racing Sunday. Extreme Race Day is presented at Remington Park by the Oklahoma Quarter Horse Racing Association.